January 17, 2014

A Simple Introduction

Twitter and keyboard - introduction
What Is Twitter?

Twitter is a free service, and one of the top ten popular websites on the internet today. Through 2012, the registered users of Twitter increased to 500 million. It is one of the greatest services online which serves for social networking, business, marketing, information and entertainment. Following is an easy guide to understand what it is.

SMS of the Internet:

The primary activity taking place at Twitter is the broadcast of short messages comprising not more than 140 characters. These short messages are called tweets. The tweets are mostly public and can be viewed by anyone upon searching.
The registered users of Twitter, called Twitterers, can subscribe to other Twitterers and receive their tweets right on their Twitter account's homepage. This subscription is called "following" in the Twitter terminology. The feed of tweets from everyone you follow, also called stream, shows up on the homepage after you log in to your account. Your tweets can also be protected or limited to a certain audience of your choice. In this case, they do not appear in public search results, but only reach the followers approved by the account holder.